Because life

is too fucking scary

not to tell

the people we love

exactly why we think

they're so amazing.

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Some people say that we choose our family before we are born.
But somehow I ended up choosing my godfather long after. 

I can’t begin to express my gratitude for you, not only for being such an important person in my life, but for also letting me be a part of your family. 

Thank you for sharing the Ranch, and allowing it to be one of the only places that feels like home to me. Thank you for being a role model and a mentor.

Thank you for FaceTiming with me when I didn’t know what to do about Chile.
And thank you for taking notes while you listened to me explain my dilemma.

Thank you for the truth but also the possibilities.
The reality check but also the courage to keep dreaming.
I trust your advice more than almost anyone.
Thank you for being willing to give it to me.

More than any professional success could ever account for, I think by far the most admirable and impressive thing about you is your charisma. I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone who can charm the pants off of anyone, any age, any gender, any sexuality, in any situation.
It’s truly incredible and probably one of the most amazing qualities anyone could possess.

Remember when I met you at Café Acri when you were in town?
I was staying in Cathy’s house, and we had breakfast, talked for hours, and the walked up Beach Rd to scope out the house for sale. You were getting ready to go to Italian to talk about the teaching residency, and you were asking my about my future. You told me, “It doesn’t matter who you know if you’re not willing to make the phone call.”  It’s not who you know. It’s who they know, and what you’re willing to do with the information and the opportunities they might be able to give you. But first you have to create that for yourself by picking up the phone and making the call; by taking initiative.  

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