Because life

is too fucking scary

not to tell

the people we love

exactly why we think

they're so amazing.

Read full letter here ->->

You are more of me than anyone else on earth.
My other half, because literally and genetically we are one half the same.
I love you more than I actually have the words for.

It seems as though the people we love most also posses the greatest power to hurt us.
Because I love you more than I could ever begin to put words to, this also means that you have more power to hurt me than almost anyone else on earth.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much your opinion means to me.
I think you are harder to impress than almost anyone I know, and I hate it and love it at the same time.
You’re just like Mom.

Which means you demand and expect the most out of people. You push them harder not because you want to make them feel bad but because you want them to recognize their true potential. I think we all ended up the same this way. Perhaps Opa’s four years in Auschwitz might have just a little something to do with that.

Know that I love and support you always and in everything.
Never settle and keep dreaming.
I know you want to live in Sweden one day and I won’t let you get away without making it happen.

I want you to know that I am always here for you.

 I love how weird you are.
I love that you are as weird as me.
And I love that we are weird in the same way.

I have come to believe that that is the most important basis of any relationship.

I am imagining you right now, doing your slow motion zombie stumble; the one I recorded on the gopro, at the base of Red Dog.
And then singing rap remixes up the Oly Lady chair. 

And the walk we went on, along the Manhattan Beach strand, when we cried and hugged. I thought you hated me. And then we laughed and you told me I should sleep with mediocre looking middle aged men, to expand my sexual horizons haha.

I don’t know if you know this, but the reason why I am 26 and have never used swear words is because when I was about 12 years old and you were a rebel with a blink 182 poster with the guy sticking up both his middle fingers and a “just wear it” condom sticker on your boombox, I was standing in your bedroom and you told me never to start swearing. So I didn’t.

 I remember driving across the golden gate bridge in the rain after climbing planet granite on the weekend. Watching the sunrise on top of Half Dome after climbing up in the dark, and hanging with Chester the marmot king while you took a nap.  

All after we had called mom at the very beginning of the hike, so you could ask her- as we stood in front of the scary bear warning sign- if we should be afraid of bears.

The people we love most posses the greatest power to hurt us but also to save us. And I don’t want to know where I would be without you.

I just want to love you and support you forever.
And live in eco-sustainable commune farm and eat homegrown avocado toast and be happy.

To grow old together but never feel old. Or act it.

You’re stuck with me.
Get excited. 

I love you endlessly.

Read full letter here ->->